Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Get Stoned

Move over vegemite, cute fuzzy creatures, and belligerence, Angus & Julia Stone are officially the best thing Australia has to offer. This brother/sister duo's debut album A Book Like This holds the type of quiet, broken-in indie folk music that feels like summer in your ears and lives up to their last name. There's nothing particularly innovative about their sound, that is to say followers of Calexico and Vetiver are not going to be knocked sideways, but there's something about the combination of Angus's sweet, lulling voice and Julia's scratchy, Joplin-esque vocal that just goes perfectly with Great Lawn(s) and lazy days. "Paper Aeroplane," the standout track, features a gorgeous guitar line with a melody you won't be able to stop singing. "All the Colours" is a reggae-inspired track that embodies its tagline, "I'm so wasted on you." "Bella" is a triumphant whisper of a love song that would serve as a perfect complement to a note reading, "Do you like me? Check yes or no." With music this soothing, it's impossible to say no.

Paper Aeroplane - Angus & Julia Stone

All the Colours - Angus & Julia Stone

Bella - Angus & Julia Stone