Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You, Me, and Everyone We Know

You, Me, and Everyone We Know , who Kevin Lyman (Founder/Head of Warped Tour) has chosen one of his "Kev Says" Band for Warped '09, is the band I've been living my life to since the fall of 2007. They're a little bit Fall Out Boy, a little bit Boy Least Likely To, and for better or worse, the last of a dying breed of "emo" music worth listening to. I'm going to see them this Saturday, February 21st in upper Jersey. If you can get a friend to drive you, or are willing to risk your life on a sketchy greyhound round-trip bus ride, join me! They put on one of the most entertaining live shows (albeit Akon still holds that championship belt after pummeling a girl in the face at one of his shows) complete with musical instruments that look more fitting for cutting something open than creating the crunchy rock loveliness they do. They are, like, my ultimate favorites. But actually. Check the link and you'll be shamelessly hook line and sinker for these kids, too.

You, Me, and Everyone We Know's Myspace Page

It’s not me, It’s you...Lily Allen

Oh, Lily Allen. You know you love her, so don’t even lie. Stop pretending you don’t secretly sit in your room and listen to her first album, Alright, Still, on repeat. We all did it, and personally, I’m proud. Now it's time to stop and embrace It’s not me, It’s you with open arms. She’s no Shakespeare, but she writes effortlessly about relationships and all those other vapid college-age-kid things like a pro. At times cheeky, at others sappy sweet, Allen's sophomore album delivers. However, if you’re looking for the ska-pop of Mark Ronson, look elsewhere. Her sound has taken on a more electro-pop/retro feel, but hey, I dig. It's no Alright, Still, but it’ll do!

Check out her first single, “ The Fear,” and my personal favorite, “ Who’d have Known.” ( I’ve been playing that one on repeat, its almost replaced T.I...but not quite.) For the less faint-of-heart, "Fuck You" promises hilariously snarky lyrics over an even catchier melody.

Who'd Have Known - Lily Allen - mp3

The Fear - Lily Allen
- mp3

Fuck You - Lily Allen - mp3

Birds, Bees, and Florence and the Machines

The Bird and the Bee have been dominating my iTunes for the past month, so I think it's time to spread the love. This duo makes some of the catchiest, deceptively sweet pop music I've ever heard. The saccharine vocals of lead singer Inara George sound even better when they ask snidely, "would you ever be my, would you be my fucking boyfriend?" Their layered, resonating vocal sound recalls the Beegees, while the hand-clap action on nearly every track reminds us that we're in the golden age of electronic drum-machines and musical acid trips. With hand-claps and xylophones galore, their music is like something out of a childhood fantasy after an 8-ball or three. Delicious.

Love Letter to Japan - Bird and the Bee - mp3

My Love - Bird and the Bee - mp3

Fucking Boyfriend - Bird and the Bee - mp3

Florence and the Machine is Florence Welch's vehicle for awesomeness. Don't be fooled by appearances - her cover of Candi Staton's "You Got The Love" has got honest-to-gawd soul in spades. Though some might argue this song never sounds as good as when Sienna Miller is mouthing "rape me" to an unsuspecting drug lord (thanks for that visual, Layer Cake) , this cover comes pretty damn close.

You Got The Love - Florence and the Machine - mp3

Throw Your Hands in the Ayer

There is some music that just feels good. Chris Ayer makes that kind of music. The Stanford grad has already earned his share of accolades, with winner of the John Lennon Songwriting Competition in Folk for his single "Evaporate" in 2007 as one of the many notches in his musical bedpost, but beyond being good on paper, Ayer is - to put it plainly - really, really good. His vocals have the passion of John Mayer with the swagger of Jason Mraz. His compositions have the ease of Colbie Caillat and Joshua Radin with the catchiness of The Fray. Ayer, however, is not a contemporary of these heavy-hitters. He is every bit as good, if not better. "Awake" showcases his guitar virtuosity behind a melody you'll want to listen to before you go to bed, and again when you wake up. I'm guessing it will only be a few short weeks before "Fall Away (State I'm In)" can be heard on Grey's Anatomy. That being said, Chris Ayer is definitely one to watch, if not listen to religiously. - Steph

Awake - Chris Ayer - mp3

Fall Away (State I'm In) - Chris Ayer - Live Video Performance

Chris Ayer will be playing a show in the Boston next Friday, February 27th, at Midway Cafe.

Friday February 27, 2009 - 8:00PM
Midway Cafe
3496 Washington St.
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Tickets - $8