Thursday, April 16, 2009

Club Bangerzz...

I've been on Uffie's music for the past year or so, and I'm waiting on the edge of my seat for Ed Banger to give this girl the full length she deserves. Many will recognize her vocal from Justice's "Tthhee Ppaarrttyy," but I can promise she has bigger things up her sleeve. One of the most exciting rappers to hit the scene (read: my earspace) since Mickey Av, she's got the white girl slow spit of Lady Sovereign with the swagger of Peaches. Crunchy beats, 3 parts filth, 1 part glitter. Check out "Pop the Glock" to whet your palate - Choose Your Own Adventure: Little Boots fans head two spaces forward to "Steroids," Househeads go straight to "Robot Oeuf."

Pop the Glock - Uffie

Steroids - Uffie

Robot Oeuf - Uffie

What's Your Fantasy?

Metric has never been the band to churn out album after album. 2003's Old World Underground, Where Are You Now? brand of in your face rock -with-a-message-and-a-backbeat reflected the title perfectly and gained a cult following, but not mass appeal. While 2005's Live It Out delivered more consistent rock, the hiatus didn't show the band making strides. This time, Metric left a four year hiatus between records, which placed me in nervous anticipation of either a lackluster junior effort or an epiphany. From the very first listen it is apparent that Metric that has finally honed in on their sound. Fantasies commits fully to the synth-driven aesthetic hinted at on tracks like "Combat Baby," but is conscious to maintain the catchy guitar licks and snarky lyrics that won the affection of die-hard fans initially. The real draw of their new material is its absolutely infectuous hooks that could easily give tracks like "Help, I'm Alive" airplay on mainstream radio. Metric incorporates this melodic brilliance as they weave in rawer, more etherial tracks, too, like "Gimme Sympathy" that allow Emily Haines's piercing vocals to give her confident, thoughtful lyrics room to smack at your heartstrings. With a record this top notch, it should only be a matter of time before Metric becomes a household name. Standout tracks include "Help, I'm alive," "Gimme Sympathy," "Sick Muse," and my personal favorite, "Satellite Mind." One of the strongest records released this year, not checking Fantasies out would be a mistake.

Help, I'm Alive - Metric

Sick Muse - Metric

Gimme Sympathy - Metric

Satellite Mind - Metric

Help, I'm Alive (acoustic)